How OTT & CTV Enhance Your Digital Marketing Strategy

It's more important than ever for businesses to stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive. One powerful approach gaining momentum is integrating Over-The-Top (OTT) and Connected TV (CTV) advertising into a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. By leveraging the reach...
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Why Digital Marketing is Important for Small Business

Doing business today versus ten or twenty years ago has evolved dramatically. With the power of a computer in the palm of almost everyone's hand, companies must adapt to new methods of reaching their target audiences. Digital marketing offers a...
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#Hashtags: How to Use Hashtags to Boost Your Social Media

Social media is a great way to extend your brand and communicate with customers, but discovering how to use it effectively can be unclear. You've undoubtedly seen hashtags (words preceded by the pound sign) used at the end of posts....
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Wondering if Celebrity Endorsements are Effective in Advertising?

With all the hype about Taylor Swift's recent presidential candidate endorsement, many people are wondering whether celebrity endorsements are effective. You don't have to look far to find someone famous featured in advertising on television, in a magazine, or on...
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Why Photography is Key to a Quacking Good Website

Your website often gives potential customers the first impression of your business. It's your virtual storefront, brand ambassador, and primary tool for engaging with clients. In fact, about 75% of potential customers research a store online before visiting its physical...
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Leverage Social Media Channels to Grow Your Business

Social media platforms have become indispensable tools for businesses looking to connect with customers and promote their brands. While Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are all social media giants, each serves unique purposes and offers distinct advantages. Understanding these differences and...
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Organic Search vs. PPC: Striking the Right Balance

In the past few decades, the internet has undergone a seismic shift in how users interact with content and how businesses engage with potential customers. From the early days of static websites to the dynamic, user-centric platforms of today, the...
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What does User Experience mean for SEO?

User experience (UX) has become a cornerstone of Google's evaluation criteria for websites, directly influencing search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. But what does UX mean for SEO with Google, and how can it impact your site's ranking? At its core,...
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Essential Home Page Elements: A Blueprint for Success

Your company's home page is its virtual storefront, acting as the first impression for potential customers, partners, and stakeholders. An effective website home page is more than just a digital business card; it is a dynamic space that communicates your...
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SEO Tips for 2024: Boost Your Website’s Ranking

Today, doing business without a solid digital presence is almost impossible. Having a robust website your current and potential customers can find easily and navigate to make purchases is essential in modern business. It's easy to overlook many of the...
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Why You Need OTT and CTV Advertising

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital advertising, Over-The-Top (OTT) and Connected TV (CTV) advertising have emerged as essential components for businesses aiming to reach modern consumers effectively. As traditional television viewership declines and digital consumption habits transform, investing in...
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Effective Email Campaigns in 2024

Many people are asking what the future of artificial intelligence (AI) has in store for marketing, and there's no clear-cut answer because the landscape evolves constantly. For example, Google's SGE tool provides searchers with an AI-developed answer to questions posed...
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Best Practices for Website Architecture

Today, it's easy to build a website. You can use one of dozens of do-it-yourself tools to use a pre-designed foundation to create a site in an afternoon. Because of that, many small business owners figure they can save money...
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Why Nostalgia Marketing Works

Merriam-Webster defines nostalgia as "a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for a return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition." Nostalgia marketing taps into cherished memories and emotions from the past to connect with consumers in a deeply...
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Why Professional Content Writing Matters

You have a website, and you know posting fresh content regularly is essential, but as a business owner, you don't have time for that. One common mistake many business leaders make is hiring sub-par content writing services to provide them...
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Google SGE: The New Search Generative Experience

The world of technology, including the internet, is constantly evolving. Though Artificial Intelligence isn't novel, the debut of ChatGPT and other related AI innovations to the masses in 2023 revolutionized the landscape. At Paradux Media, we maintain a forward-looking stance,...
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Do You Have a Website?

71% of businesses in 2023 have a website. That's a clear message that having a web presence is essential to running a modern business. 21% of people use the internet to find a local business daily. That doesn't account for...
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The Short Story about Long-Tail Keywords for SEO Strategies

At Paradux Media, we talk about search engine optimization (SEO) a lot. You might even say we're obsessive about it. That's because, in today's world, a growing proportion of business for most companies is being directed via electronic channels. Take...
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Marketing that Overcomes Short Attention Spans

The average attention span in 2018 was a whopping 47 seconds; presumably, today, it is less than that. With such an incredibly short time to grab a person's focus and capture their interest, what strategies effectively attract and convert today's...
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Enhancing Roy Manufacturing’s Digital Presence

Roy Manufacturing is a perforated metal and material manufacturer in Portland, Oregon. They've been in business for over 60 years and have grown to the point of developing a second spin-off organization based on shared technology, Profile Laser. Together, these...
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